New Roborovski Hamster Care Channel!

Hi Hammy Friends!

I recently discovered a new hamster channel all about Roborovski hamster care I wanted to spread the word about! As I’ve chatted about in the past- I often feel like there isn’t enough info out there about dwarf & robo hamster care.

Yes, the basics are the same- large living space, similar diet, crepuscular sleeping schedule. But there is also a lot that is different, particularly for the teeniest, fastest species, Robos!

I’m happy to see someone promoting a gentle touch with robos, going at their speed (not yours!) and making sure you don’t stress them with “taming” techniques (but instead, get to know them for who they are, and respect the way they want to interact).

If you haven’t already, subscribe and support Stef’s channel YT channel here! —>


The Mite Saga, Week Three


Mite Saga Week 2