Hamster Crafts!

Many people love to get creative with their hamster cages including creating custom hides and decorations to go along with their hamster theme.

One of my favorite channels to watch for hamster-crafting is Something Animal (formerly Erin’s Animals). The projects are creative, low cost and done with materials you can find in most countries!

Safe Materials

In general you will want to be choosy about the materials you use for your hamster. This is because hamsters like to chew and you will have to assume that anything you put in their cage is fair game for chewing.

Hamster Safe Paints:

This post from a Roborovski breeder in the UK suggests using Plastikote enamel paints (not the spray paints) as they are non-toxic and safe for children. If you see that something is “safe for children,” this is usually a good sign that it’s non-toxic and should be safe for use with your hamsters as well. Make sure you read the fine print on every bottle to find the “non-toxic” wording before purchasing.


Making Hamster Hides & Toys

If you’re in the mood to do make your hamster a new toy or hide, this playlist is a great place to start!

Also including a fav video from Something Animal :)