Rachel Rachel

Steven’s 200 qt Bin Cage Tour

Little Steven, the Roborovski hamster also got a Niteangel Multi-Chamber Hide for Christmas 2020!

Just like for Sofia, I originally installed it over a large sand bath. Steven, however, is less neat and organized than Sofia, and his mult-chamber hide over sand turned into one, giant, whiz palace.

It actually was such a mess that I decided to take the mult-chamber hide out and wash it before I gave it back to him and placed it in the cage arrangement shown in this video.

This new setup seems to be working pretty well. Steven seems interested in all the new things and I’ve begun hiding seeds in various little nooks for him to enjoy finding.

I by no means feel that my bin cage is β€œdone” or perfect! This is a work in progress and probably always will be, as I will want to give Steven an enriched life while adjusting his surroundings to meet his needs. I felt that it would be helpful to document and share my bin-cage set-up progression for anyone who has hamsters or is looking to get one.

Products featured in this video (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):

Niteangel Super Silent Wheel (size M, this is Steven’s alternate wheel, not shown in this video): https://amzn.to/3lKs1JF

Exotic Nutrition Silent Runner 12” Glow: https://amzn.to/2VG2pD9

200 Qt Bins (for enclosures): https://amzn.to/3geplCY

Sheet Moss: https://amzn.to/3mPdqxV or from PetCo: https://bit.ly/3p8XcRb

*Pls freeze the moss overnight to ensure no bugs come along with the moss

Kaytee Clean & Cozy: https://amzn.to/2LdxIU3  or from PetCo: https://bit.ly/2KknqkV

Lava Rocks: https://amzn.to/2JXfFk8

Clear Hamster Tubes: https://amzn.to/2Jw6ebW

Acrylic Tray (8” x 12”): https://amzn.to/39MaGhm

Clear acrylic trays (set of 3- for sand bath): https://amzn.to/3qxmppR

ReptiSand: https://amzn.to/3lNeMZ1

Niteangel Wooden Bendy Bridge/Hide: https://amzn.to/2Y5pn84

Wooden Teeter Totter: https://amzn.to/3lK1BrC

Niteangel Multi-Chamber Hamster House Maze: 6-room small https://amzn.to/35W0U9N

LoveDrizzlesStudio Wooden Hamster Palace (small) https://www.etsy.com/listing/656159464/wooden-hamster-palacesmalllarge?ref=shop_home_active_26

Living World Ceramic 🐹 Bowl: https://amzn.to/2JSxNvE

Ceramic White Hooded Water Bowls: https://amzn.to/3qzYdmC (or green: https://amzn.to/2JQI1N5 )

Wyze Pet Cam 2: https://amzn.to/2VNIJNK

Hamster Log Cabin: https://amzn.to/399iNUu


Higgin’s Sunburst: https://amzn.to/36QBHOJ

Mazuri Mouse & Rat: https://amzn.to/2VJkct9  or from PetCo: https://bit.ly/3h4NGvA

Millet Spray: https://amzn.to/3mReSQB  Or from PetCo: https://bit.ly/3nEqkzw

Wheat Spray: https://amzn.to/33RiP01

Whole Flax Seeds: https://amzn.to/36N0GSW

PureBites Freeze Dried Cat Treats Chicken: https://amzn.to/3h6tNo2

*Please see Hamster Hideout Forum for more info on hamster diets http://hamsterhideout.com/forum/forum/16-food-nutrition/

Rosewood Naturals Nature’s Salad: https://amzn.to/397RgTf

Whimzees: https://amzn.to/37DBRbyOr from Petco: https://bit.ly/3arbUPf

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Rachel Rachel

Sofia in the Digging Play Bin

I created a β€œdigging bin” for Steven & Sofia a few months ago, and it continues to be a great place to provide some out of cage enrichment without worry about losing them in a small crevice.

Both Steven and Sofia are fairly nervous little creatures (Sofia’s curiosity can overcome her nervousness though), so having a consistent space they come to I believe has helped it feel safe to them. I do try to update it slightly with new items for variety, but since they only spend about 10 minutes at a time in the bin, I’m not too worried about it being boring to them.

Sofia in particularly loves to hunt for seeds, so this bin works perfectly. I just sprinkle a few throughout the bin and she does to town digging all over! It is really quite adorable to watch.

Hope you enjoy!

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Rachel Rachel

Shirley in Her Play Bin

Shirley and Laverne both have funny schedules for hamsters. I’m assuming it has something to do with their past lives, or maybe they have just learned that we bring them treats…. but the minute we wake up in the morning, there they are, standing up and looking up at us expectantly!

Shirley happened to get up in the late afternoon today, begging to be either picked up or fed, probably both, so we brought her over to the temporary play bin we have set up for interacting with our hamsters. Laverne and Shirley love this box that I’ve placed in there, they go there specifically to eat the seeds they’ve found, so you’ll see there are casings everywhere… I know time to clean it up a bit!

The lighting was so beautiful though, I had to share :)

Hope you enjoy!

Products featured in this blog post (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):

Higgin’s Sunburst: https://amzn.to/36QBHOJ

Mazuri Mouse & Rat: https://amzn.to/2VJkct9  or from PetCo: https://bit.ly/3h4NGvA

Millet Spray: https://amzn.to/3mReSQB  Or from PetCo: https://bit.ly/3nEqkzw

Wheat Spray: https://amzn.to/33RiP01

Whole Flax Seeds: https://amzn.to/36N0GSW

PureBites Freeze Dried Cat Treats Chicken: https://amzn.to/3h6tNo2

*Please see Hamster Hideout Forum for more info on hamster diets http://hamsterhideout.com/forum/forum/16-food-nutrition/

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Rachel Rachel

Sofia Enclosure Updates, Continued…

If you saw my post from last week, I added a Niteangel Multi-Chamber hide to little Sofia’s 200 qt., bin cage enclosure.

I didn’t realize she would so quickly make the new, multi-chamber hide her home, so I put it over a sand bath, thinking she might enjoy a sand bath with more cover.

Fortunately, she LOVES the new hide and quickly moved in. Unfortunately, she has fully moved in, which means cleaning up her sand bath is a little tricky. Normally I wouldn’t be so concerned about keeping her nest clean, but she’s also taken to peeing in one corner of the multi-chamber hide. I can’t clean it easily without removing her from the cage (she doesn’t love someone rooting around in her nest, understandably).

After about a week it was getting pretty smelly in there and I decided it was time for a change… and here are the results! It’s a small change, but if you have hamsters you’ll know that hamsters do not love change, so all changes need to be well thought out so they can be executed in a way that causes the least amount of stress for your little, fur friend.

Do you have a multi-chamber hide? How do you or your hamster use it?

Video music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/hx2mwp/

Products featured in this video (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):

Niteangel Multi-Chamber Hamster House Maze: 6-room small: https://amzn.to/35W0U9N

Exotic Nutrition Silent Runner 9”: https://amzn.to/2JUegLe

200 Qt Bins (for enclosures): https://amzn.to/3geplCY (approx 650 sq inches)

Sheet Moss: https://amzn.to/3mPdqxV or from PetCo: https://bit.ly/3p8XcRb *Pls freeze the moss overnight to ensure no bugs come along with the moss

Kaytee Clean & Cozy: https://amzn.to/2LdxIU3 or from PetCo: https://bit.ly/2KknqkV

Lava Rocks: https://amzn.to/2JXfFk8

Kaytee Hamster Tubes (Fun Value Pack Assorted): https://amzn.to/2VVPj5b

Kaytee Hamster Tubes (Fun Value Pack Twist and Turn): https://amzn.to/3qxT5je *I only recommend these tubes for Robos and small dwarves, larger hamsters like Syrians can get stuck in these! Acrylic Tray (8” x 12”): https://amzn.to/39MaGhm

Clear acrylic trays (set of 3- for sand bath): https://amzn.to/3qxmppR

Crystalia Glass Baking Dish: https://amzn.to/2XcLvg9 ReptiSand: https://amzn.to/3lNeMZ1

Strawberry πŸ“ Hide: https://amzn.to/36M1eZx

LoveDrizzlesStudio Wooden Hamster Palace (small) https://www.etsy.com/listing/656159464/wooden-hamster-palacesmalllarge?ref=shop_home_active_26

Niteangel ceramic Cupcake Hide 🧁: https://amzn.to/36M1rMj

Ceramic White Hooded Water Bowls: https://amzn.to/3qzYdmC (or green: https://amzn.to/2JQI1N5 )

Rainbow 🌈 Wooden Bendy Bridge (pack of 2) : https://amzn.to/37CcNl7

Wyze Pet Cam 2: https://amzn.to/2VNIJNK


Higgin’s Sunburst: https://amzn.to/36QBHOJ

Mazuri Mouse & Rat: https://amzn.to/2VJkct9 or from PetCo: https://bit.ly/3h4NGvA

Millet Spray: https://amzn.to/3mReSQB Or from PetCo: https://bit.ly/3nEqkzw

Wheat Spray: https://amzn.to/33RiP01

Whole Flax Seeds: https://amzn.to/36N0GSW

PureBites Freeze Dried Cat Treats Chicken: https://amzn.to/3h6tNo2

*Please see Hamster Hideout Forum for more info on hamster diets http://hamsterhideout.com/forum/forum/16-food-nutrition/


Whimzees: https://amzn.to/37DBRby Or from Petco: https://bit.ly/3arbUPf

Cheese Chews: https://amzn.to/2IogvpW


OXO Large Strainer: https://amzn.to/3lSi9Od

Mini Dust Pan & Hand Held Broom: https://amzn.to/2Lju4b3

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Rachel Rachel

Working Remotely

Working from home can feel like sleeping 😴 at work πŸ‘©β€πŸ’», am I right?!

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Rachel Rachel

Shirley πŸ’•

Shirley has come so far. When she first arrived here we hardly even saw her. I actually had several days where I wondered- is she okay? Should I make sure she’s still breathing?

Shirley is still shy, but lately she’s been coming out more. Particularly in the mornings (she’s probably caught on to the fact that humans bring her food). I find myself frequently drinking coffee while I feed her some millet and a softly pet her fluffy, little bod.

I’m learning so much about hamster personalities and temperament. Shirley and Laverne look so alike we might mix them up if it weren’t for their wildly different personalities and body language.

I’m not sure what their life was like before they were surrendered to the rescue and then came to live with us. But I hope they are enjoying their lives, I’m certainly enjoying getting to know them :).

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Rachel Rachel

Shirley is Just the Sweetest

I’m obsessed with Shirley. She’s like the perfect hamster. She’s so sweet and gentle, she seems to enjoy a good back rub and just is the fluffiest little ball. She is a foster ham, which means a nice person might get to enjoy all that she has to offer! But if she has to stay with me forever… well, fine :).

I got these little woven baskets from Target a few weeks ago. They are so handy for hamster wrangling and general interaction. it’s a nice place to put a hamster and interact with them without the worry of hard edges.

Shirley is eating Higgin’s Sunburst seed blend.

Products featured in this blog post (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):

Higgin’s Sunburst: https://amzn.to/36QBHOJ

Cotton Woven Baskets  like this: https://amzn.to/3pDi1o9 or this: https://amzn.to/37XUTKR

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Rachel Rachel

Sofia Gets a Niteangel Multi-Chamber Hide!

I got two (!) Niteangel Multi-chamber Hides for Christmas and I’ve been working out how to incorporate them into Sofia & Steven’s cage.

I decided to try putting it over a large sand bath to give some additional points of interest. Little did I know, she had other plans for it!


Products featured in this blog post:

(as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):

Niteangel Multi-Chamber Hamster House Maze: 6-room small: https://amzn.to/35W0U9N

Exotic Nutrition Silent Runner 9”: https://amzn.to/2JUegLe

200 Qt Bins (for enclosures): https://amzn.to/3geplCY (approx 600 sq inches)

Sheet Moss: https://amzn.to/3mPdqxV or from PetCo: https://bit.ly/3p8XcRb *Pls freeze the moss overnight to ensure no bugs come along with the moss

Kaytee Clean & Cozy: https://amzn.to/2LdxIU3 or from PetCo: https://bit.ly/2KknqkV

Lava Rocks: https://amzn.to/2JXfFk8

Kaytee Hamster Tubes (Fun Value Pack Assorted): https://amzn.to/2VVPj5b

Kaytee Hamster Tubes (Fun Value Pack Twist and Turn): https://amzn.to/3qxT5je *I only recommend these tubes for Robos and small dwarves, larger hamsters like Syrians can get stuck in these!

Acrylic Tray (8” x 12”): https://amzn.to/39MaGhm

Clear acrylic trays (set of 3- for sand bath): https://amzn.to/3qxmppR

Crystalia Glass Baking Dish: https://amzn.to/2XcLvg9

ReptiSand: https://amzn.to/3lNeMZ1

Strawberry πŸ“ Hide: https://amzn.to/36M1eZx

LoveDrizzlesStudio Wooden Hamster Palace (small) https://www.etsy.com/listing/656159464/wooden-hamster-palacesmalllarge?ref=shop_home_active_26

Niteangel ceramic Cupcake Hide 🧁: https://amzn.to/36M1rMj

Living World Ceramic 🐹 Bowl: https://amzn.to/2JSxNvE

Ceramic White Hooded Water Bowls: https://amzn.to/3qzYdmC (or green: https://amzn.to/2JQI1N5 )

Rainbow 🌈 Wooden Bendy Bridge (pack of 2) : https://amzn.to/37CcNl7

Wyze Pet Cam 2: https://amzn.to/2VNIJNK


Higgin’s Sunburst: https://amzn.to/36QBHOJ

Mazuri Mouse & Rat: https://amzn.to/2VJkct9 or from PetCo: https://bit.ly/3h4NGvA

Millet Spray: https://amzn.to/3mReSQB Or from PetCo: https://bit.ly/3nEqkzw

Wheat Spray: https://amzn.to/33RiP01

Whole Flax Seeds: https://amzn.to/36N0GSW

PureBites Freeze Dried Cat Treats Chicken: https://amzn.to/3h6tNo2

*Please see Hamster Hideout Forum for more info on hamster diets http://hamsterhideout.com/forum/forum/16-food-nutrition/


Whimzees: https://amzn.to/37DBRby Or from Petco: https://bit.ly/3arbUPf

Cheese Chews: https://amzn.to/2IogvpW


OXO Large Strainer: https://amzn.to/3lSi9Od

Mini Dust Pan & Hand Held Broom: https://amzn.to/2Lju4b3

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Rachel Rachel

Steven Says Hello!

There is something so enamoring about a curious hamster and his little sniffing nose, isn’t there?

Products featured in this video (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):

Wyze Pet Cam 2: https://amzn.to/2VNIJNK

200 Qt Bins (for enclosures): https://amzn.to/3geplCY

Sheet Moss: https://amzn.to/3mPdqxV or from PetCo: https://bit.ly/3p8XcRb *Pls freeze the moss overnight to ensure no bugs come along with the moss

Kaytee Clean & Cozy: https://amzn.to/2LdxIU3 or from PetCo: https://bit.ly/2KknqkV

LoveDrizzlesStudio Wooden Hamster Palace (small) https://www.etsy.com/listing/656159464/wooden-hamster-palacesmalllarge?ref=shop_home_active_26

Clear Hamster Tubes: https://amzn.to/2Jw6ebW *I only recommend these tubes for Robos and small dwarves, larger hamsters like Syrians can get stuck in these!

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Rachel Rachel

Getting Sticky Residue Off of Glass Jars

I’ve been wanting to utilize more house hold items for my hamsters to

1- Provide them with new things to keep them interested and stimulated

2- Save on space, since I am running out of available storage for hamster items

3- Be a little more eco-friendly and not buy something new

4- Be a little more wallet-friendly and not buy something new

I had quite a few glass jars building up- I often use these for left overs etc so not to waste them, and then I thought, β€œI should be using these for my hamsters!”

The only issue is that stupid, sticky residue that Does. Not. Come. OFF! AHHH!

I tried alcohol and soaking them and wire scrubby things… no luck.

Finally, while waiting for a doctor appointment recently, I perused YouTube for the answer and found a video from this super-cool lady who does a lot of vides about how to be zero waste! I’d love to be more thoughtful in this way, so this is step one.

And here I am, giving it a try!

Products featured in this video (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):

OXO Deep Clean 🧽 Good Grips Brush Set: https://amzn.to/2XeHiJ5

Baking Soda: https://amzn.to/3nkPhPe

Dish Soap: https://amzn.to/3bce05X

Ceramic Water Bottle Stand: from Love Drizzles Studio on Etsy: https://tinyurl.com/y8r9lebu

Rainbow 🌈 Wooden Bendy Bridge (pack of 2) : https://amzn.to/37CcNl7

Wyze Pet Cam 2 (for hamster footage when I’m not awake or there!): https://amzn.to/2VNIJNK

ReptiSand: https://amzn.to/3lNeMZ1

Acrylic Tray (8” x 12”) for sand bath: https://amzn.to/39MaGhm

Clear acrylic trays (set of 3- for sand bath): https://amzn.to/3qxmppR

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Rachel Rachel

Digging Bin Time For Sofia

As Sofia has settled in and seems relaxed and confident, I’ve been trying to give her consisten time in, what I call her digging bin: Its a 100 qt bin I filled with sand πŸ– and coconut fiber πŸ₯₯ plus many little tubes & hides. I sprinkle a few seeds in there and little Sofia goes wild!

She is so cute ☺️, going under grass and digging everywhere!

I’d like to add additional points of interest in the future, like some cat grass or other hamster safe plants πŸͺ΄. I’m working on growing some now, although it is slow going!

I would also love to connect her main cage to the digging bin with a series of tubes so that she can enjoy it more frequently when I’m asleep or at work. I don’t have quite enough tubes yet (as I would need to be very careful to not let it get too steep, she is sooo tiny!), but it’s good to have something to work towards, right?

Products featured in this blog post (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):

Hefty 100 Qt Bin: https://amzn.to/3oT7fdd

Sheet Moss: https://amzn.to/3mPdqxV or from PetCo: https://bit.ly/3p8XcRb

*Pls freeze the moss overnight to ensure no bugs come along with the moss

Eco Earth Loose Coconut Fiber: https://amzn.to/37zNaRU  or from PetCo: https://bit.ly/3mDg0WW

Higgin’s Sunburst: https://amzn.to/36QBHOJ

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Rachel Rachel

Shirley the Sweetest

Shirley has been stealing my heart ❀️ lately.

She has this adorable habit of staying awake until I get up for coffee β˜•οΈ, and then she begs to be picked up and hangs out with me quietly while I sip my coffee and give her a pet. It’s the best.

She (and Laverne) also like to get up around 3 pm and look for something to do. They are funny little things! So, most afternoons they get some time in a play bin or hanging out as we put together a puzzle 🧩:)

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Rachel Rachel

Laverne Gets a Nail Trim

Little Laverne had to go to the vet this week - her nails got too long! This is a quick video of that trip. Unfortunately I couldn’t go inside the vet and see how they trimmed her nails, but I hope that post-COVID I’ll get to see what happens behind the curtain.

Laverne took a few days to get back to normal and want to interact with us again, but she did eventually forgive us for the vet visit.

I recently purchased one of these small animal carriers : Living World Small Animal Carrier (link to Chewy) for visits like this. I also have small Kaytee cages I have used for vet visits in the past, but they are more difficult to clean and carry to my car. The Living World small carrier is a lot easier to handle for a quick trip- definitely worth having one or two around.

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Rachel Rachel

Laverne & Shirley πŸ’•

Laverne & Shirley πŸ’•

Both of these girls like to come out on most days to say hello, but rarely is it at the same time!

They have a play bin we use to interact with them outside of their homes. The aerial view below shows the play bin being connected to Laverne’s bin.

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Rachel Rachel

Bonding Time With Steven

Steven is so sweet, I really love this little guy πŸ’•. However, he’s still very nervous 😬 and afraid of hands πŸ™Œ. I would love to improve on this, to establish a sense of trust between us, so that if he needs medical treatment or his nails clipped, maybe it can be slightly less traumatic.

I honestly don’t even know how I would take this guy to the vet, he doesn’t even really like going in his play bin!

Anyway, I recently discovered that Steven loves going into cups that we are holding. I don’t know why, but presented with a cup, Steven usually goes in. I’ve been using this method as a way for him to get more comfortable around hands πŸ™Œ and so far I think it’s working! Just last night I was able to give him my hand and he approached to sniff it curiously! Before he wouldn’t have attempted this.

How do you bond with your hamster?

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Rachel Rachel

Goodbye 2020 πŸ‘‹

It’s been a weird year. There are times I feel sad about missing my family (whom I haven’t seen in a year now) and times I’m sad about the life I thought I’d be living this year. But I try to focus on the good parts (like my hamster 🐹 family!), and right now I’m really rethinking my 2021 goals and trying to make them achievable, something that I can really do and feel like at the end of all this, some good came of it.

And, so is Shirley. If Shirley vows to eats veggies everyday, what excuse do I have? I guess I’ll be eating my veggies everyday too. πŸ₯¬

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Rachel Rachel

Laverne Gets a Cage Clean

Laverne was due for a bit of cage sprucing. I had been feeling like her cage was fairly uninspired for a while now… I threw it together quickly when I was asked to take in these dwarf hamster sisters (Laverne and Shirley) about a month ago. I had resisted the urge to clean up and rearrange her cage for a while now because I wanted to make sure she felt really comfortable in her surroundings before I touched much in her cage.

But Laverne has been doing really well these past few weeks and I felt she was ready. I knew she needed a bigger and better sand bath space, and a more functional way to run on her wheel. Plus her wheel needed cleaning (which I do frequently regardless, but still).

Her cage isn’t particularly β€œdesigned,” since she is a foster ham- my focus here is to just give her a space that feels comfortable, safe and interesting for her.

Also, a note about the pink colored, paper bedding- I was given this bedding, but after using it, I would suggest sticking to white bedding. The pink colored bedding is difficult to discern what is clean and what is soiled. I’m using this bedding until it’s gone and then never again!

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Rachel Rachel

Why I Love Whimzees!

When I first got hamsters I bought wooden apple sticks and all those things hamsters are supposed to chew on. No luck. I tried putting a thin layer of peanut butter on the chews to encourage chewing, this only gave me a few chews but mostly licks.

Finally, I tried putting the chew toys in their food to make them smell like something they’d want to chew on… still no luck.

AND THEN I gave Whimzees a try.

I had seen Whimzees on YouTube and Instagram, but I still didn’t feel sure about giving a dog chew toy to a hamster. But, turns out, it’s totally fine! Some people say they only give their hamsters Whimzees for short periods of time because their hamsters don’t eat their food if a Whimzee is around. I haven’t found this with mine. My hams are still very happy to eat their food, but I’ll find them later, laying in their sand bath or on their moss, chewing away and looking happy.

You can try them out by buying them individually for about $1 at PetCo, or you can go for the full bag of them (links below). I prefer the alligator shape- I think it’s just cute :)

Whimzees: https://amzn.to/37DBRby  Or from Petco: https://bit.ly/3arbUPf

*please note that not all Whimzees are created equally! Get the kind that are harder (like the ones linked to here), the soft kind of Whimzee is not recommended for hamsters.

(as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases)

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Rachel Rachel

Laverne Shows Us Her Kaytee Comfort Wheel

In case any of you were interested in the Kaytee Comfort Wheel, here is a clip of little Laverne showing it off!

The Kaytee Comfort Wheel is a very affordable and great wheel option for your little fur friend! It comes in great size options (8.5” for dwarves or Robos, 12” for Syrians). It, unfortunately is NOT silent, so please be aware if you are a light sleeper.

If you’re interested in purchasing the Kaytee Comfort Wheel, please see the links below: (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):

Kaytee Comfort Wheel 8.5” : https://amzn.to/3lM5axz

Kaytee Comfort Wheel 12”: https://amzn.to/3pezd3b

How cute am I?

How cute am I?

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