Rachel Rachel

Giving omlet a try!

(EXCITING UPDATE! Use code ‘Rachel15’ for 15% off your order, now through March 16, 2025!)

Guess what!? I finally did it! I took down my Christmas-themed hamster playpen and replaced it with the new, Omlet size L Hamster Playpen!

Dexter shows us how cute he looks next to the Omlet 10 1/2” wheel inside the size L playpen

Omlet, a UK based brand that started in 2003 when their founders wanted to re-imagine the chicken coop for modern-day, at-home chicken owners (hence the name, Omlet!) now has a variety of unique, innovative, pet products, for all sorts of animals, including Hamsters!

Omlet has recently re-vamped their whole hamster product line, and I made a video all about it. While this enclosure might not be right for everyone, I think it’s a solid option and am delighted to see a brand make such a positive change in their hamster products. ( You can check out the new Omlet hamster collection here)

It would have been easy for them to keep the old products while introducing the new… but they did not! They did away with the small, cabinet-style hamster cages and now only sell one size of hamster enclosure, (approx 740 sq inches), that comes with a 10 1/2” wheel, and an option to add on a sand-bath-on-stilts & a “small” or “large” playpen.

Omlet was kind enough to send me a size L playpen along with a wheel to try out. I will be trying their enclosure as well, but I decided to just do one thing at a time and test out the playpen & wheel for now.

Dexter is really enjoying this very spacious playpen!

Okay - so, I have to say, I’m actually VERY impressed.

Prior to this playpen, I’ve been using the (very inexpensive) nylon, pop-up playpens for my hamsters (easily attainable on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3CuK6Kl ). I like how easy they are to set up and break down, but they definitely have their flaws - first and foremost, the bottom of the playpen is lightweight nylon and in about three seconds my hamsters can and will chew a hole in it. This is why I have to cover the floor of the playpen with a fleece blanket (I have also used an old sheet in the past).

These nylon playpens are also hard to clean- the super lightweight material gets sucked into even the tiniest of vacuums.

Dexter finds a cozy spot to hunker down and snack.

On the contrary, the Omlet playpen floor is a thick, wax-covered-like canvas and feels quite sturdy! It’s water proof and super easy to sweep up or run my dust-buster in it.

The walls of the Omlet playpen are a separate piece from the floor - they also feel really sturdy and solid! In fact ,they are a hard-plastic that can snap into place or flatten for storage.

Once the wall is placed on the floor, the playpen is quite impressive in size. I honestly wonder if this could double as a guinea pig enclosure, although I don’t know enough about guinea pigs to say. But it’s quite large, sturdy and I actually love the rectangular shape. I don’t think I had realized how annoying it was to have a round/hexagonal playpen in the middle of my room. The rectangle just works better and feels much more space efficient.

Does this playpen have any cons? Well, like anything, of course there are some “cons” to consider:

It doesn’t break down to be as small as the nylon pop-up playpen.

Of course, this is the trade-off of getting something more substantial - it’s not some flimsy little thing you can just fold up and throw in a corner. It does take up a bit more space. BUT, I generally have a playpen set up all the time, so, if that’s the case, why bother breaking it down anyway?!

Snapping the floor to the walls of the playpen is a little tricky

…actually, I found it very tricky and I think I only got one to successfully snap. And then I gave up and realized it was kind of unnecessary, my hamsters could not crawl under the wall of the Omlet playpen anyway. I also have dwarf hamsters who are not that interested in escaping. If you have another type of hamster who likes to escape, you may want to devote more time to snapping the playpen floor to the walls just to give the playpen a little more stability.

It’s more expensive

Yes, this is not your cheap, hamster playpen that gets chewed up and thrown away. This is a substantial playpen with a price-tag to match the quality. I know, not everyone has the ability to spend as much on their hamsters as others - this is why I often talk about hamster-care on a budget and how you really can do a lot for your hamsters without having to spend hundreds of dollars on enrichment and so on. I do believe those inexpensive, pop-up nylon playpens are SO handy and great for hamsters! But, I also think this is a nice, upgraded experience, if you can afford it.


I haven’t done much with the playpen design-wise yet. I’ve been mostly just arrangingsome interesting cardboard, hides & seeds in there for my tiny friends to enjoy. Themed playpens will come in time.

One thing I do think I’ll do once I have a spare moment, is to line the floor with guinea pig cage liners from Luftpets, or maybe even just a fleece blanket - having a removable ply would make clean up much easier!

Have you tried any of the new Omlet products, or are you wanting to try them out? Let me know what you think!

You can check out the whole Omlet hamster collection here!

*This post contains affiliate links. I earn from qualifying purchases

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Rachel Rachel

Niteangel Acrylic Corner Sandbath

If you listen to my podcast (or keep up with all my going-ons) you already know about Lester, the Roborovski hamster I have living in a Christmas tree bin.

He’s a sweet little guy with lovely, light brown spots. He came in his Christmas tree bin from the young woman who rescued him (but then had to go off to college and couldn’t bring him with), and I’ve been slowly upgrading his digs ever since.

Overall, I think his set up is not too shabby. I wish he had more vertical-digging room, but he’s got a lot of hides & points of interest in his bin that I feel happy with. One of them is this lovely, corner sandbath from Niteangel.

Full disclosure, Niteangel actually gifted this to me (along with the corner platform you can see off to the left, some gorgeous dried flowers, fluffy paper bedding & yummy freeze dried snacks).

I decided to use this sandbath for Lester because I felt it would work well nestled into his bedding and had a nice shape to it. You could put it in a corner, but I liked that the corner shape created a new space for him to hang out behind (where I placed a glass jar for him to cozy up with a Whimzee in).

I like to use an item for a bit before I write a review and now that it’s been a month (or two!) I feel fully prepared to tell you all about why I love this corner sandbath!

It’s shape

Most of my other sandbaths are rectangular. Rectangles are a nice, practical shape that fits into a rectangle hamster cage set-up in a nice way. But, you know when your hamster enclosure just feels boxy and linear? Adding a few round items to the mix can help change the flow, and I honestly think your hamster feels the difference. That’s how I feel about this triangular shaped sand bath - round on one side, flat on the others, it really adds a nice flow to the enclosure and looks beautiful!

the lid

If you have hamsters you know how messy they can be… particularly with a sand bath or digging area. I love that this sand bath has a lid! It allows the sand bath to be more of a digging area for Lester to go wild in, and I don’t have to worry about him kicking the sand all over. I also think this gives him a nice, cozy feeling while he’s in it, which is particularly nice for shy hamsters, like robos tend to be.

the acrylic base

For many years I used Pyrex containers I got for low, low prices at Goodwill stores for my hamsters. They work great and I still highly recommend using Pyrex for sandbaths (I actually still use them, particularly in my playpens) , but Pyrex can be heavy, particularly when it’s filled with sand, and I always worry I’ll slip an drop the sand bath when I got to remove it for cleaning.

This triangle sandbath from Niteangel has a super light, yet very sturdy feeling base that is so easy to hold onto. Last time I cleaned Lester’s sand it was easy to wash the sandbath and it came out looking sparkling clean!

In summary…

There are lots of great options when it comes to sand baths for your hamster. You could use a big plastic refidgerator bin as I do for my dwarf hamster, Dexter. Or, you could get a nice, acrylic tray as I do for many of my other hamsters. Pyrex works great. So do the many options from Niteangel or Bucatstate. Exotic Nutrition (home of the Silent Runner) now has some great sand bath options too!

You can’t go wrong as long as you keep a few things in mind:

  • accessibility: can your hamster get in and out of the sand bath with ease?

  • size: is this sand bath large enough for your hamster? Remember, bigger is always better. You can always provide more than one sand bath if you’re not sure.

Which sand to use?

Sand-wise, I use Reptisand (link to Amazon: https://amzn.to/4awfMvy ) . I use it because I’ve just always used it. When I started with hamster-ing back in 2020, one of the few, safe & easily attainable options was Reptisand. And, because I wash my sand, I don’t tend to run out of it very quickly. BUT! You now have other options from brands like Niteangel & Bucatstate.

A note on picking what type of sand to use for your hamsters: Stick to plain old sand. Not calcium sand. Not “potty” or clumping sand. No “bathing dust”… just regular, old sand! That’s all hamsters want and need! :)

Lester the Robo’s Christmas Tree Bin Set-up

*as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

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Rachel Rachel

The Prettiest of Water Bowls

A New Year calls for some new hamster water bowls!

Well, I wish it was that glamorous, but it’s actually quite a practical purchase. For the past year or so I have had seven hamsters - the most hamsters I have ever had. For the most part, it’s not a ton of work. I try to keep up with keeping them clean and occupied. I work from home so I can let them out into the playpen while I continue working, or use my break to do some tidying up.

But one thing that continued to irk me was… yes, water bowls.

All of my hamsters have both water bowls & bottles. You can go on YouTube or Instagram and hear hamster owners have a wide array of strong opinions on either - “Water bowls are more natural” or “water bottles are plastic and harmful to your hamster” or “water bottles harbor bacteria in the nozzle” or “water bowls carry more bacteria because they are open and can get messy quickly”. Okay, you get it. In my opinion, there is no right answer, the right answer is whichever your hamster prefers.

In my experience, most of my hamsters will use BOTH a water bowl and a bottle for a reason I cannot determine. I have only ever had one hamster who did not use a bottle at ALL, and that’s little, old Maurice, who would rather shrivel up from dehydration than drink from a bottle. So he gets TWO water bowls… just in case one spills or gets icky.

Annnnyway, long story short, I give all my hamsters both a bowl and a bottle (well, except Maurice, obviously). Why? Because sometimes one malfunctions. Water bottles sometimes leak, or sometimes the stoppers get stuck. And sometimes hamsters push water bowls off platforms. Or fill them with bedding for no apparent reason. There are many, wild things, thing beyond our imagination, that go on in a hamster enclosure at night while we sleep… all I know is I don’t feel comfortable only providing one water source to my hamsters.

And what this means is, it’s a lot of upkeep for me! I have bowls and bottles to wash and replace. Bottles I can do about once or twice a week, but bowls I really need to do daily. And it’s time consuming. Up until now I’ve been individually pulling a bowl out of a hamster enclosure, washing it, then returning it with fresh water… seven times a day…. everday. Yeah! It’s a lot.

So, now you understand why I bought some new hamster bows! And I figured, if I’m going to get hamster water bowls, why not get the “gold-standard” - the gorgeous, Mount Fuji water bowl from Niteangel!

It comes in a few colors - clear, blue and iridescent. I chose the iridescent and I’m very happy with that choice! They are gorgeous and really sparkle in the low, twinkle lighting I use in my hamster room / office.

They are much larger than I anticipated, which I don’t mind. They are also quite heavy & sturdy! I believe these would be much more challenging for a ham to knock over as compared to the little tea-light bowls I sometimes use.

So, here they are, in all their glory! I wish I could have an entire hamster enclosure that was iridescent, it’s definitely my favorite!

Do you use a water bowl or a bottle? What brand/type do you prefer? Tell me all your hot opinions please!

*as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

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Rachel Rachel

Christmas Hamster Playpen!

Happy Holidays, my hamster friends!

I hope you and your hamsters are enjoying a cozy, hamster holiday season!

I took this video of little Lemonade exploring the Christmas playpen (before it got destroyed!) and chatted about how I use playpens to get to know my hamsters.

Do you use playpens with your hamsters? What kind do you like?

Products featured in today’s video (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):

Pop Up Playpen (do not get the kind with mesh walls, your hamster can easily escape this!): https://amzn.to/3ZKgSPf

Alternative Playpen from Omlet! (not shown in this video, but will be featured in future videos): https://tidd.ly/3VLVKHd

Fleece Blanket (I like this fuzzy kind that does not get caught on hamster toe nails!): https://amzn.to/408izri

Luftpets also makes guinea pig liners that work great as playpen liners!: https://amzn.to/3ZLZKZh

Bucatstate Acrylic Wheel (green no longer available :/) https://amzn.to/41

KdpTu Foraging Tree: https://amzn.to/4fpsddm

Seed Sprays: Happy Hamstery: https://www.happyhamstery.com/store

ReptiSand (sand used for sand baths): https://amzn.to/33XaBaa

Sand Bath - Pyrex pie pan: https://amzn.to/3VORrLl

Wooden Hides from Innodove on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Innodove

Niteangel Ceramic Mushroom Hide:: https://amzn.to/4gO6E79

Bucatstate Cloud Sandbath (filled with loose coconut fiber, dried hamster flowers & seed mix for foraging): https://amzn.to/4iOj5C0

Loose, Coconut Fiber: https://amzn.to/49T4r8j

Dried Flowers: https://www.oakwoodforestshop.com/product-page/the-flower-foraging-box

Foraging Mix: https://rescuecottage.org/shop/ols/products/snow-whites-enchanted-forage-mix Rainbow Bendy Bridges: https://amzn.to/4iPacrA

Rainbow Bridge: https://amzn.to/4fzxGhE

Galapagos Sheet Moss: https://amzn.to/423XHTt

Mushroom Nutcracker: https://amzn.to/4fsMFdf

Walnuts in Shell (from Nuts.com): https://amzn.to/4gilBi9

Mixed Nuts in Shell: https://amzn.to/4gsBv9H

Canon 5D Mark iii: https://amzn.to/406072k

50mm Lens: https://amzn.to/3ZR9WQa

*affiliate links- I earn from qualifying purchases

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Rachel Rachel

Cozy little digging area

The Christmas hamster play area has been quite the hit! Lately, I’ve has such a surge of hamsters asking to come out to play I had to create a second, play-bin to accommodate their needs!

This year I decided to fill the Bucatstate Cloud Sandbaths with coconut fiber, some dried flowers and seed mix for the hamsters to forage for… and it’s been a hit! I think the hamsters enjoy the cozy, protection of the enclosed cloud, and, bonus for me, the coconut fiber doesn’t get kicked everywhere!

Sweet, little Dexter the hybrid dwarf hamster enjoys digging for some of his favorite treats in the Bucatstate Cloud Sand Bath Size L

A holiday view from above

cozy vibes all the way

Items featured in today’s post:

Christmas Tree Hide from Innodove on Etsy: the tree is currently not available (cry emoji!) but lots of other adorable hides here: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Innodove?section_id=33060662

Bucatstate Cloud Sandbath, size L, Clear: https://amzn.to/4ixdgIY

Cheese Hide: Not currently available (and only recommended for dwarf hamsters anyway). But here’s a cute alternative!: https://amzn.to/4gbiBUD

Tafit Pet Water Bottle Stand: https://amzn.to/3ZwnzUZ and bottle: https://amzn.to/3ZCBbxU

Coconut Fiber: https://amzn.to/49CScwr

Foraging Mix: https://rescuecottage.org/shop/ols/products/snow-whites-enchanted-forage-mix

Dried Flowers: https://www.oakwoodforestshop.com/category/flowers

*as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

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Rachel Rachel

California Hamster Association Holiday Fair 2024!!

Can you believe it- the year is almost OVER! 😱

… but good news is, it’s time for the California Hamster Association 2024 Holiday Fair!!

It’s December 14, 2024, from 10-12 PM at Baker Ranch Community Park, 26380 Rancho Pkwy S Lake Forest, CA 92630.

If you can make it, I highly encourage it! I have yet to meet a hamster - person I don’t adore, and it’s so fun to be amongst so many passionate and knowledgeable hamster people! Plus there is always fun merch and hamster crafts for sale.

For more info about the Holiday Fair, please see the CHA website here!

If you can’t make it, you can still be there in spirit by purchasing CHA holiday fair merch! Grafitoland created the most thoughtful & adorable artwork to grace this year’s merch. Each letter represents what every hamster needs:

C: love and medical care,

H: proper food, and

A: enrichment/excercise

And, to make your purchase all the more meaningful, all proceeds will go to Rescue Cottage in LA!

Rescue Cottage also has their own merch for sale, different from what I have on my website, so please give her site and visit and see what you like! All proceeds with go to the same cause, regardless of where you purchase :)

I just got a few things in the mail and I’m so excited about them!

I’m so excited to wear this. 

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Rachel Rachel

Omlet black friday sale!

Heyo, happy Friday, my hamster friends!

A few weeks ago (or… has it been a few months?! My, how this hamster-season has flown by…), I did a video about the brand new, Omlet hamster collection.

(if you didn’t catch it, see below…)

On the whole, I’m so impressed by the massive upgrades to their hamster products this company has done. I also love that this cage COMES WITH a good wheel and basic hamster-care products; if someone is new to hamstering and stumbled upon their website, I feel confident they would walk away with some good quality, species -appropriate products.

This is a huge improvement from just a few years ago, when a quick google search for “hamster cage” or “hamster wheel” would give you a sea of miniature things to choose from. While I still think it can be overwhelming to find your way when you first get a hamster, guys, we’ve come so far!

This is the reason I still do this blog, website, podcast and videos - I am passionate about helping hamster owners care for their hamsters so they can experience the magic of getting to know and bonding with their special, little personalities.

Okay, so back to Omlet. Omlet saw my YouTube video and reached out to ask me if I’d like to be an affiliate. While I did have my critiques of their enclosure (unsure on the safety of barred cages and I feel that this cage is too small for a Syrian hamster), I also think there are some great things about it and I’m truly excited to see this new product line from them.

So, if you’re in the market for a new hamster enclosure, or maybe you know someone who just got a hamster and is feeling overwhelmed by the number of options and wants a one-stop-shop to get started, I definitely recommend checking out their product line, particularly while everything is 20% off!

Click here to use my affiliate link to the Omlet Hamster Product Line . As a reminder - the money I make from this website goes either to caring for my own rescue hamsters (medical bills, enrichment, etc!) or to other small animal rescues!

I plan to get one of their cage & playpen set-ups soon so I can tell you more about it. I’m thinking I will do an alteration to cover the barred potion on the sides and will share that in a future blog post/video/podcast!

For more information & some additional thoughts about the Omlet hamster cage, I highly recommend checking out Hamster Hideout Forum’s review of this cage by Maz.

What are you planning on shopping for this Black Friday?

*links provided are affiliate links. I earn from qualifying purchases

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Rachel Rachel

Tafit Pet Sleek Little Sandbath (SLS)

Tafit Pet recently gifted me this sleek little sandbath (I’ve now dubbed the “SLS”) to give a try. I have to admit, at first, I didn’t really get it. It just looked like a little, plastic, container, and while I know those work well as sandbaths, I didn’t know what special features it contained that a simple Pyrex dish couldn’t do.

And see- this is why it’s important to try things out!

I recently gave Lester the robo a little bin-cage upgrade. He has been in a christmas tree bin, the bin he came in, since I got him a few months ago. I upgraded his enclosure a bit since he arrived with some nice, cozy cardboard boxes, a Niteangel corner shelf & corner sandbath. And then I just left him alone to get comfortable.

Fast forward a month or two and I decided it was time to upgrade his situation to more permanent items (like the used, Nitenagel, wooden, multichamber hide I recently scored from Mercari), plus some Niteangel & Tafit Pet peep sheds. I thought I was done with the upgrades and then I found myself looking at the little sandbath from Tafit Pet thinking, “… hmm, where can I add this in too?”

I decided that little Lester was missing a coconut fiber digging area, so I filled the little sandbath with coconut fiber, some dried flowers and seeds, and placed it on top of one of the peep sheds.

The sleek, little Tafit Pet Sandbox at work in Lester’s Christmas tree bin (well, in this case, it’s a coconut fiber digging box)

A zoomed-out view of Lester’s Christmas Tree Bin

Here’s why I love it:

  • it’s super lightweight. Like lighter than you could even imagine. I like light things when it comes to hamsters because you don’t have to worry about them falling and injuring your hamster. It’s one of the main reasons I’ve been moving away from Pyrex in my enclosures and switching to acyrlic sandbaths instead.

  • It’s accessible! has a cute little step to get in! Getting in and out of sandbaths can be an issue, particularly for tiny guys like robos. The little ridges around the edge also seem to help Lester effortlessly climb in and out of this little digging area all night long (as I can see from my Wyze cam footage!)

  • It’s spill-proof - it has a little lip around the edge to keep all the sand (or in my case, coconut fiber) in the dish.

  • it’s easy to clean! The interior part is removable so you can lift it out for easy cleaning! Voila!

It’s amazing what a few items can do to improve a lackluster bin-cage set up!

Including a full list of everything in his current set up below for your reference.

What kind of sand-bath do you use?

A view from above - Lester’s Christmas Tree bin sits atop the IKEA Kallax I use to store my hamster things

Items in Lester’s Bin:

Christmas Tree Bin (NOW available, but only through Christmas!): https://www.homedepot.com/pep/Sterilite-Clear-Base-with-Red-Lid-Tree-Box-19876620/318528650

*as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

Lester’s adorable little peep-shed from Tafit Pet - it’s the PERFECT size for robos!

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Rachel Rachel

Niteangel Snacks!

Dexter the hybrid dwarf hamster enjoys a Niteangel Cheerio during playpen time

Niteangel was nice enough to send me some of their new snack line recently, so of course, I had to do a full taste test!

The snacks come in a variety of flavors. I have six, but I’m seeing other flavors on their website I don’t have in my collection (okra, tofu & worms!).

I’m a cheerleader for Niteangel Snacks! 

I thought I would do some amazing taste test where I put the snacks down and the hamsters just go crazy tasting each one… BUT! Turns out hamsters don’t love being filmed while eating out in the open. Of course! They’re prey animals! So the taste test was mostly little hams, running around, nibbling here and there. The real taste test didn’t come until I put the snacks in the playpen and let them snack at their leisure (see above image of Dexter realizing the joys of Cheerios, or another video of Dexter enthusiastically snacking on the Niteangel Freeze Dried Peas).

Regardless of how “successful” my taste test was, the point is, I actually love these snacks - for many reasons!

Veggie Based & Healthy (ish)

Outside of the Cheerios, the Nitenangel snacks are veggie based and healthy! These are not your sugary, yogurt-drops of olden, hamster care days. They are fun and interesting for your hamster but still not a bad snack for them to snack on.

*a note- Cheerios aren’t specifically un-healthy, but dwarf hamsters can be diabetes prone and so should limit the amount of refined carbs they intake. A baby puff or a Cheerio during bonding time won’t hurt, but I wouldn’t recommend too many Cheerios at once or every day of the week.

a Great Way to Have Veggies Anytime

I try to feed my hamsters fresh veggies and fruit when I can. However, sometimes life gets busy. I'm working a lot of hours, I don’t have time to wash tiny, hamster plates, I don’t have any fresh veggies in my fridge, etc etc. I love that this is a great way to have veggies anytime, without worry of them growing mold when carried off to a burrow.

Variety of Flavors in Appropriate Quantities

I’m sure we’ve all done the over-buying hamster treat thing - for example, wanting to buy your hamsters some in-shell peanuts but end up buying a five pound bag (okay, I’ve done this…). Not to worry with these treats- the Niteangel snacks come in cute, little manageable tins with enough to keep your hams happy, but not so much that you’re making a five-year investment in this particular snack.

The reasonable quantities mean you can try a wide range of flavors and see what your ham likes best!

Unique, Freeze Dried Snacks

Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t see a ton of freeze-dried veggie snacks out there for hamsters. I like that this is a unique offering! It’s super crunchy and I’m sure it is fun to eat for our little, gnaw-oriented friends, but it’s also soft enough that elderly hamsters (who maybe don’t have the jaw or tooth strength they once did) would be able to enjoy too.

Great For in-Cage or Out-of-Cage Snacking

If you are new to hamster-ing, you might not have built up an arsenal of hamster-snacks yet… but you wil soon, hehe, don’t you worry! New flavors and textures are not only enriching and stimulating to your hamster, but they can also be a great addition to bonding time with your hamster.

As you may have realized, a major part of hamster enrichment is built around hunting, gathering & storing food. Hamsters love to explore new tastes and textures. Having that experience be a part of their time with you can help build that special, human-hamster bond.

In Conclusion…

You might notice your hamsters don’t immediately seem interested in a particular snack. Leave it around in a playpen space for them. Maybe after a few exposures to it, you’ll find that they eventually pick one up and cart it off to a cozy, safe corner to nibble on it.

Hamsters can be picky about what they will or will not eat (like any of us), and sometimes it takes a while for them to build a taste for a new item. I’ve also seen hamsters who really like one particular snack for several months, then suddenly decide they are no longer interested in it and move onto something new. This is why I recommend having a wide variety of treats & snacks for your hamsters - getting some of the Niteangel Snacks is a great way to add variety to your cupboard!

Do you have any favorite treats you use during playpen or bonding time? Please leave me a comment!

*as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

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Rachel Rachel

Bucatstate Pumpkin treats have arrived!

The pumpkins are here, and the timing couldn’t be better!

What a fun way to add taste variety and enrichment into your hamster’s life. Bonus- great for fall-themed photoshoots!

I got these adorable little pumpkins by winning an Instagram contest! But honestly, if I hadn’t, I would have bought these… they are TOO cute!

Wee Peggy poses while nibbling on the pumpkin-flavored pumpkin treat from Bucatstate

The pumpkin-shaped treats come in two flavors, pumpkin & broccoli. They are very light and seem to be freeze dried. They are great treats, particularly for elderly hamsters who might have difficulty chewing.

My particular set of hamsters seem to be less interested in broccoli, but I have had many dwarves and robos who LOVED broccoli, so, hard to say what your hamster might prefer, but regardless, worth it just for the photos!

Also functions as a climbing toy :) 

Pumpkin flavor box

Broccoli flavor box

The pumpkins come individually wrapped so they stay fresh until they are ready for use! 

… the cutest little pumpkin though, is definitely Peggy

*as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

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Rachel Rachel

Pumpkin or Hamster? 🐹

The pumpkins are ready for picking over at the hamster pumpkin patch! The hamsters enjoy doing their best pumpkin impression while snacking… I think they have an unfair advantage given their natural, round shape :)

Want to create your own pumpkin patch?

Sunflower Head from Oakwood Forest Shop (in the “build your own box” option)

Foraging pumpkins from Hungry Hammies Shop on Etsy

Sheet Moss from Galapagos on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3BQCtNM

*as an Amazon Affiliate I earn from qualifying purchases

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Rachel Rachel

When in doubt, Stack ‘em!

Hi Friends!

If you listen to my podcast, you’ll know I recent adopted a one-eyed fluffball from Happy Horizons Hamster Haven! Her name is Lemonade and she is TOO FUN. More on her soon.

I needed to figure out how to better maximize my space in my hamster room and discovered the Ikea Lagkaptel Olov! It’s the PERFECT size for stacking 200 qt bins!

I got mine off of Facebook Marketplace for a great deal (bonus- no assembly required!) I highly recommend!

Ikea Lagkapten Olov (47” width): https://www.ikea.com/us/en/p/lagkapten-olov-desk-white-s79416770/

The Ikea Olov in action!  Little Stan on the bottom, Lemonade on the top!

How do you keep your hamster rooms organized? Do you have any fav furniture or accesories?

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Rachel Rachel

Feeling Lucky this Fall :D

Um, apparently it’s been over a month since I last posted here. WHAT HAPPENED! How is Fall almost over!?

Well, the good news is I just uploaded some photos from my fall themed playpen and mmm, can I say it? I have some cute hamsters! Okay I said it. But just FYI, I also think your hamsters are cute too. I love them all. Especially when they are surrounded by pumpkins :)

Dexter is really living up the fall life

Tafit Pet (https://amzn.to/48d8xHz) gifted me a box with a few new items that just hit their Amazon store - including their new & improved wheel (https://amzn.to/4dTavOH) , a super sleek little sand bath (https://amzn.to/3Ytt9ba) & a ceramic hide that ties back to their honey pot collection (https://amzn.to/3Ytt9ba ).

The honey pot items fit in perfectly with my orange & green themed playpen this month, so the hams got to enjoy the spacious & cute new hide!

More on the other new Tafit Pet items coming soon, but for now, please enjoy some fall themed hamsters !

Maurice shows us how spacious the Tafit Pet Honey Pot Ceramic Hide is!

…he thinks he can sneak away without me realizing…

“no more photos pls”

“oo! a flax seed”

*as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

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Rachel Rachel

Niteangel Vista size Large Cage tour!

Hey Friends!

I FINALLY completed my Niteangel Vista Size L Cage Tour!

I started this video almost two years ago when I first got the Vista Size L! I filmed myself putting it together and imagined that one day I’d share it with the world… and here it FINALLY is! Yipee!

I don’t even consider a cage set-up “complete” as I’m constantly trying to come up with new and creative ways to keep my hamsters active & engaged. BUT, I hope sharing this tour and assembly of the Niteangel Vista size L is helpful to you if you’re a new hamster owner, and older hamster owner, or in the market for a hamster enclosure… I highly recommend the Vista! I LOVE it!

Products featured on today's tour (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases):

Niteangel Vista (I recommend size L or M, tour is of size L): https://amzn.to/3AiJHJB

Niteangel Vista Wheels: https://amzn.to/46GLyUr

Wyze Cam V3: https://amzn.to/3yuqaFw

Magnets (to hold Wyze cam in place): https://amzn.to/4dieWTC

Kaytee Clean & Cozy Paper Bedding: https://amzn.to/3YBvnFW

Small Pet Select Paper Bedding: https://amzn.to/3LZtMTa

Niteangel Paper Bedding: https://amzn.to/3LXSdAk

Niteangel Water Bottle, Clear Plastic & White: https://amzn.to/46GEoQ1

Hamster Ceramic Water Bowl: https://amzn.to/3SJ4pZj

Niteangel Platform: (currently, 12" is not available) https://amzn.to/3M0aHjq or here from the Niteangel website

Bucatstate Cactus Hide: https://amzn.to/4dyjNQn

Zoo Med Medium Cork Flat: https://amzn.to/3YVoFLt

Straw Tunnel from Happy Hamstery: currently out of stock, but you can see other lovely items for sale here: https://www.happyhamstery.com/store

similar from Amazon here: https://amzn.to/3ApUZvq

Niteangel Peep Shed size S: https://amzn.to/4chHg7s

Acrylic Tray (for Coconut Fiber digging area): https://amzn.to/3WW3Gqg

Loose Coconut Fiber: https://amzn.to/3WWkfT6 or https://amzn.to/4fA91e9

Niteangel Loose Hamster Flowers (sprinkled throughout cage and in loose coconut fiber): https://amzn.to/3WH1h1p

Niteangel Multi-Chamber Hide, size Small, 6 Room - https://amzn.to/4ddXr6J

Niteangel Multi-Chamber Hide Stilts: https://amzn.to/3WYIO0z

ReptiSand (sand used for sand baths): https://amzn.to/33XaBaa

Sand Bath Tray (acrylic or Pyrex work great!): https://amzn.to/3HpDji4

Acrylic riser from The Container Store (this keeps your sand bath supported so your ham can burrow under It safely!): https://bit.ly/3gslHqa

Adhesive Cork (I put cork on top of my acrylic rises so they are less slippery): https://amzn.to/3JdcvT3

Refrigerator Organizer (from Target)

Bucatstate Snake Bridge: https://amzn.to/4cl58qK

Bucatstate Star Bridge: https://amzn.to/3Aa603V

Niteangel Elephant (no longer avail, but similar): https://amzn.to/3AiN3wb

Niteangel Birch Tunnel: (no longer avail, but similar): https://amzn.to/3yz8dpg

Eaton Hemp Bedding: https://amzn.to/3WX2EKO

Zoo Med Sand Blasted Grapevine Wood: https://amzn.to/3YVqzf5

Lotus Pod Boredom Breaker: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1679610191/lotus-pods

Whimzee Small Alligator Chews: https://amzn.to/3WxQtCC

Sphagnum Moss: https://amzn.to/4dlcLik

Eufy by Anker Cordless Handheld Vacuum: https://amzn.to/3yuGTsh

Niteangel Flower Sprays: https://amzn.to/3ynzNpz

Niteangel Seed Sprays: https://amzn.to/46DQucX

Oakwood Forest Sprays: https://www.oakwoodforestshop.com/category/all-products

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Rachel Rachel

Barred Cages for Hamsters, no more?

Hello Hamster Friends!

If you’ve been listening to my podcast, you know I recently came across a troubling post from Hamster Info Ireland about barred cages - apparently they can be quite dangerous for our little hamster friends!

To see the post about a hamster in their care who lost a leg after it was tangled and stuck in a barred cage, click here.

Hamster Info Ireland now suggests that if you have a barred cage, you should cover the bars with something like cardboard, cork or acrylic.

I personally do not use barred cages with my hamsters, although I have used Critter Trails in the past for travel or as a medical cage. There are a lot of benefits to using a barred cage when in the car (good airflow, less risk of overheating, able to adhere a water bottle and wheel to the bars), and I’m not sure where I stand currently for those situations.

For now, I do think I’ll be removing any barred cages from my “suggested” enclosures.

Do you use barred cages for your hamster (like the Prevue 528)? What are your thoughts?

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Rachel Rachel

Vote for Dexter!

Hi Hamster Friends!

Today I entered a photo of Dexter into a pet photo contest with my local Humane Society.

If you’d like to vote (each vote costs $1, proceeds go to the Humane Society), you can do so here!

Wouldn’t it be cool to spread hamster awareness by having a hamster win a photo contest!? #goals

Vote for me!

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Rachel Rachel

Episode 4 is up!

Hello hamster friends!

Episode 4 is up! You can check it out on Spotify or YouTube!

Some notes & links from today's episode:

Justice for the 318 one year anniversary:



Happy Hamstery: https://www.happyhamstery.com/store

Lotus Pods on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/listing/1679610191/lotus-pods

Bucatstate Hamster Flower Mix: https://amzn.to/4dsgo5o

Tafit Pet Honey Pot Sand Bath & Bowl: https://amzn.to/46yI8mW

Adirondack Mini Chair: https://www.etsy.com/listing/957790975/miniature-adirondack-chair-i-unfinished

Niteangel Items: https://www.niteangelpet.com/

Corner Platform: https://amzn.to/4caOTMX

Sand Bath: https://amzn.to/3LLn5DU

Snacks: https://amzn.to/3LM45Fc

Paper Bedding: https://amzn.to/3yiZmrH

Flowers: https://amzn.to/3ypyshL

*as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

List of rescues you can volunteer for & other FB rehoming groups: https://www.rachelgothamsters.com/adopting-or-surrendering-a-hamster

Other resources / communities you can get involved with: https://www.rachelgothamsters.com/resources

Rescue of the week: Duchess Hamster Rescue in Florida - go give them some love https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61561727153294&mibextid=LQQJ4d

Thanks for joining me on my hamster care journey!

Music by Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/hx2mwp/

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Rachel Rachel

Justice for the 318

One year ago today, 318 small animals were driven from the San Diego Humane Society to the Humane Society of Southern Arizona. The Humane Society of Southern Arizona claimed to have rehomed the animals at small animal rescues in the area… however, no small animal rescue reported receiving 318 small animals.

When it was clear something was off, demands to learn the truth revealed that the animals were actually sold to a snake food company. The animals who were bred to be pets were left in hot vans in 106 degree F heat then frozen to become food.

While I understand that snakes need to eat, illegally selling animals who are supposed to be under your care is clearly unethical. Even at that- animals meant to be eaten still deserve to live in dignity and respect; they deserve to live lives free of suffering.

A member of the small animal community has created a Facebook group to continue awareness and to help fundraise for small animal rescues. If you’d like to buy a t-shirt or hat from their Bonfire campaign, you can view it here.

To join their cause and help fight for basic animal rights, you can join it here.

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Rachel Rachel

Bucatstate Ceramic Tree Stump Collection

Hello Hamster Friends!

Bucatstate was lovely enough to gift me two items from their “Tree Stump” ceramic collection - the large, ceramic hide, AND the ceramic water bottle + stand.

Both are really nice- great quailty, sturdy, and nice to look at!

I hope these reviews are helpful to you!

*as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying Purchases

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